Equipment status

Each equipment module can have a status which is represented by a coloured badge and status name. The list of statuses can be managed via Admin > Equipment > Equipment status.

Each status requires an unique status name, a foreground and background color to render te badge. For each item in the status list a default badge is rendered.

Import equipment

Equipment can be imported via the Equipment import tool, via Admin > Equipment > Import equipment. First download the Excel template via “Download template” and complete the lines in the Excel. Note that the necessary Rooms, Zones and types have to be available before the template is rendered otherwise these options will not be available in the Excel sheet.

Use the same form to upload the Excel to the system. After upload SoloDB will first show a preview of the import and some last-minute changes can be made to the equipment before doing the final import.

This process can be repeated as many times as necessary.

Equipment roles

Per equipment, it is possible to add users as responsible users, each having their own role. The list of equipment roles can be managed via Admin > Equipment > Equipment roles.

Module type

The module type describes the role of the module in the equipment. Typical modules types are:

  • Main tool
  • Load port
  • Transport module
  • Process module

But any other equipment module type can be created. Module types can be managed via Admin > Equipment > Module Type

Equipment categories

Equipment can be organised in categories and types where types also allows the selection of properties per equipment. The list of categories can be found via Admin > Equipment > Categories

Equipment types

The equipment type is a subclassification of categories and can be managed via Admin > Equipment > Types, see for more information the page about equipment types

Link types

Per equipment it is possible to add 1 or more link to other resources (manuals, supplier websites, Sharepoint). Each link will have a type and the list of types can be managed via Admin > Equipment > Link types