SoloDB has a flexible system of adding properties to equipment. These properties can be found via Admin > Equipment > Properties and new properties can be created there as well.

Each type can have 1 or more property and since equipment can have 1 or more types these properties are inherited by the equipment

SoloDB supports the following property types

Option Explanation
Checkbox Choose 1 or more option
Radio Choose 1 option
Text Free text field
Min-Max Indicate boundaries, for example temperature sensitivity (for example (10-20)
Number a single digit (no decimals). If decimals are required choose Text
Date A date (no time)

In case a checkbox or radio is chosen, it is important to povide the necessary options to the user. These options have to be given in “Values” in the following format

option1:Label of Option 1|option2:Label of Option 2

Where option1 and option2 are the internal codes which will be stored and where Label of Option 1 and Label of Option 2 are the values where the user can choose from

When Min-Max is chosen a default value has to be given

Because each property is rendered as a form element also a label and friendly (inline-help) text can be given, an example of a rendered from element is shown below

Image showing
a rendered checkbox based on a property
Image showing a rendered checkbox based on a property