StepParameters can be found via Library > StepParameters
and are the basic unit of processes and correspond to options
can be changed in the process and which are available on the equipment module. StepParameters can be defined (selected)
the equipment module or can be defined on the process. StepParameters have to be defined first here
StepParameters can be grouped via the parameter type to share the same set of units, different time or temperature parameters (for example Temperature (front) or Temperature (back) can be grouped as these are both parameters of the type “Temperature”.
Parameter types
A parameter type (for example temperature, time) can be found via Library > StepParameters types
and can group single
parameters so units can be shared. Units (K, C, F) can
be selected per parameter type so when a parameter of a type is chosen only a sub-set of units is available.
For temperature many parameters might be chosen, as many equipment have more then 1 temperature sensors on different places. By grouping these parameters via the parameter type the software can limit the units