Release notes SoloDB 5.7.2
SoloDB 5.7.2 has been released on 7 May 2022. In this maintenance release the following items have been fixed
- Fixed access to training requests
- Fixed updating request from portal page
- Updated security rules
- Show all equipment on portal page
- Fixed the issue that users cannot send emails to other users trained in equipment
- Sorting on firstname for room/equipment users and responsible users
- Fixed updating status in statusmail and bug that logged in user is shown when editing an issue
- Fixed several issues in block bookings in relation to module reservations
- Review of all emails so all information is correctly included
- Changed access rights so operators can see pictures
- Improved performance of whole system
- Fixed a bug that inserting templates causes an error 500
- Fixed a bug that cancellation of the insert/replace session is not handled on homepage
- Upgrade of Operator execution dashboard
- Fix partial search of run names
- Added extra column in operator run list with the step label
- Removed the duplicated EXECUTE in operator view
- New system to allow consumables to be present at the start of a run (like substrates)
- Improved the search engines for process (families) so inactive equipment and processes are better visible