Release notes SoloDB 5.9.5
SoloDB 5.9.5 has been released on 18 June 2024, in this version the following fixes and improvements have been made:
- [FIX] When a user is removed/added to a chemical container the amount of users on chemical level was not updated, this has been fixed.
- [FEATURE] Optional feature to integrate with YouTrack API for ticket management via SoloDB
- [FIX] Fixed access to updating the hold code for operators
- [FIX] Fine tuning of who can edit remarks in a run (buy operators only when the run/step is not finished)
- [FIX] Fixe issue that room request were not correctly updated in the search engine resulting in missing entries on the profile page of the users who have to approve the request
- [FIX] Fixed issue that the email sent out when a new request was made contains all users who have to approve the request