Groups are organisation entities in which runs, substrates and chemical containers are organised. This allows reporting of substrate and chemical consumption and also details overviews of all activities in the specific group.

Groups can be found via Organisation > Group which shows a list of all groups with a filter option

Group list
Group list

In this section an overview of all features related to groups is given

Group options

Per group different options can be chosen, where here an overview is given of all options

Option Explanation
Group name Public name of the group
Abbreviation Short abbreviation of the group, can be used as prefix in runs when the Run prefix settings are set to group
Status Toggle status of the group (active / inactive). Groups with runs, substrates or chemical containers cannot be deleted but can be set to inactive
Run number prefix Choose which element (custom, group, project, team) is used a run prefix. If custom is chosen then a value is required in the Custom run prefix field below
Custom run number prefix Optional field in case a custom run prefix is chosen

Group users

In each group responsible users and regular users (members) are active. Responsible users have full access to the group and runs in the group and can manage users in the group.

New responsible users can be added via Group > Responsible users by pressing the button Add responsible user to group and complete the form. Note that the end-date is optional and will remove the user as responsible if the end-date has passed. Each responsible user in the group has his/her own Organisational role ( Leader, Financial, etc.) and the list of available organisation roles can be managed via Admin > Organisation > Organisation Roles.

A user has to be member or responsible user in a group to be able to select the group when creating a new run. New members of the group can be added via Group > Users and the button Add user to group

Run Prefix

Based on the run prefix settings per Group it is possible to change the prefix per run.