The “information” tab show the user the global information of the run, as can be seen in the image below.

In the run information tab most important
run information is shown
In the run information tab most important run information is shown

In this information tab the following information is shown:

Information Description
Name The name of the run
Sample location Location where the samples of the run are stored
Motivation Motivation why the run is executed
Conclusion Conclusions drawn during or after run
Add date Date when the run is created
Start date Date when the run is started
Last update Date when last update on the run is done
Label type Runs can consist of multiple parts (Experimental split). It is possible to label them with number (1, 2, 3,..) or with letters (a, b, c, …)
User Responsible user of the run
Group Group in which the run is done
Team Team in which the run is done
Extra users Option to give extra users edit rights on the run
Project Project in which the run is done

The information box on top of the information sections tells the user what the status of the run is, same for the little colored bullet after the run title. Via the buttons the status of the run can be changed. See the run status for more information.

On the right side of the run information tab it is possible to upload files to the run. These files can be used to store extra results, analysis files or powerpoints. The files can be downloaded by clicking on the file name.